Tuesday 8pm | Heaviley
Thursday 7:30pm | monthly online
Christian community is about sharing life together;
it's more than merely gathering on a Sunday.
In our midweek lifegroups, we seek to be connected in a supportive, accountable, loving community and encourage one another in our faith, gifts, and reaching out to others
You are very welcome to join us during the week at any of our groups.
alternate Mondays 8pm | online
1st and 3rd Mondays 7:30pm
Saturday | Edgeley - temporarily suspended
Damian, Jo, Tim & Becky
Midweek evenings
are we nearly there yet?
parenting course
are we nearly there yet?
parenting course
Christian community is about sharing life together;
it's more than merely gathering on a Sunday.
In our midweek lifegroups, we seek to be connected in a supportive, accountable, loving community and encourage one another in our faith, gifts, and reaching out to others
You are very welcome to join us during the week at any of our groups.
Tuesday 8pm | Heaviley
Ladies' Bible study
Mondays 7:30pm l fortnightly
Gary & Fiona
Church at home
Tuesday 6:30pm fortnightly
Damian, Jo, Tim & Becky
Children's Bible Group
midweek | various evenings
1st and 4th Sundays 7:00pm | online